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Student Registration and School Enrollment

Attending school is a big step for children and for you as a parent or caregiver. The Indian River School District is here to help you with the process!

The most efficient way to register your child is through the online registration process. In accordance with Delaware Code, the Indian River School District offers this online system to make the registration process easier for families. The IRSD registration system can be accessed by using the links below.

Register for 2024-2025

Use the links below to register for all grades for the 2024-2025 school year. Those wishing to apply for school choice in 2024-2025 must use these links to first register at their home school if not already registered.

IRSD Enrollment Page 2024-2025 - English

IRSD Enrollment Page 2024-2025 - Spanish

For more information, about the online system, visit the Delaware Department of Education enrollment pageNOTE: Do not use the registration links on the Department of Education page, as your information will not be submitted properly. Please use the IRSD Enrollment Page links above. 

Register for 2025-2026

Use the links below to pre-register for all grades for the 2025-2026 school year. Those wishing to apply for school choice in 2025-2026 must use these links to first register at their home school if not already registered. The 2025-2026 school choice application period will open on November 4, 2024 and close on January 8, 2025. Beginning October 15, 2024, you can register your student in their school of residence.

IRSD Enrollment Page 2025-2026 - English

IRSD Enrollment Page 2025-2026 - Spanish

If you do not wish to utilize the online registration process, you may still register your child by following the steps below.

Step 1 – Locate Your School

Use the online School Locator to locate your local school. You can also contact district office at 302-436-1000. ***Please note if you wish to request attendance at another home school you must follow and complete the School Choice Application process.

Step 2 – Complete the Student Registration Forms

Please complete the Student Registration Forms found at left. 

Step 3 –Gather Required Documentation.

Complete the Student Registration Forms found at left and gather the following documentation:

  • Student’s Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Immunization and Physical to include TB and Lead Blood Test
  • Proof of Residency (Current Lease, Mortgage or Utility Bill showing parent/guardian name and address)
  • Photo ID
  • Guardianship, Custody or Caregiver paper (only if applicable)
  • Copy of IEP/504 Plan (only if applicable)

Step 4 - Submit Student Registration Forms and required documents to your "home" school.

If you are interested in “Early Admission to Kindergarten” please contact your child’s school for details.  The deadline to begin the process is August 1st of each school year. Families with children whose fifth birthday falls between September 1 and November 30 may request Early Admission into Kindergarten. The application must be received no later than June 1 of each year.