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Student Device FAQ


FAQ - Long Term Instructional Technology Plan - Student Devices

How does the long term instructional technology plan relate to student devices?

IRSD’s long term instructional technology plan is a program in which all students are able to have a dedicated device that they are responsible for. They will bring the device to the physical classroom and take the device home just like a traditional textbook. For younger students in K-2, it will be at the administration and instructor's discretion whether student devices need to be brought home and on what frequency it should occur.

How is it funded and how much will it cost?

ESSER funds will be utilized over the next several years to sustain this initiative, averaging about $1.7 million dollars per year. This includes student devices, staff devices and smartboards.

Will there be a terms of use and device agreement?

By using the device at home, students and families will affirm that they agree to the IRSD acceptable use policy and student device agreement terms. These terms will be available on the district website and linked within the device. Families who do not agree to the student device agreement terms can contact school administration to make alternate arrangements.

What happens when a student breaks or loses a device? 

Per the student device agreement, you may be charged the fair market value of any devices or parts that are damaged, or for devices or parts that are lost. You must report damage, loss or theft of the property to the school by the next school day after the occurrence. Device damage or loss of minor parts (IE Chargers) will be invoiced with a two step process.

The first incident in a school year will be recorded and the cost will be written off at the full expense of the district. A notification will be sent to the guardian. A replacement device will be issued.

A second incident will be recorded and an invoice will be issued for payment to the guardian. The student will be issued a device that may no longer be taken outside of the school for a period of two weeks. After that period, a student will be re-issued a device if the invoiced balance is paid OR the student completes a training activity on responsible device care. If the invoiced balance is not paid, it will remain a balance for the remainder of the school year and be subject to collection policies outlined in “Policy - JFCB Care of School Property by Students”.

Subsequent incidents of damage will be handled exactly as a second incident, and additional disciplinary action may be levied at the discretion of school administration. Any malicious or intentional damage witnessed by school personnel will automatically be treated as a second incident and follow the steps outlined, and be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of school administration. In the case of theft, evidence must be presented to substantiate the claim in the form of official school or law enforcement documentation.

What kind of devices will we be using?

While devices may change over time, the existing fleet of 11” Dell Chromebooks will be used for students. Future purchases will be “clamshell” style 11” Dell chromebooks with touch capability. 

What happens if a student forgets their device or a device runs out of charge?

Carts of “loaner” devices will be distributed in central school hubs such as the front office or library at school administration’s discretion. Designated staff members will use Technology Support Services inventory system to track check outs and check ins of these spare devices using a scanner. At the end of the day, a report can be emailed to school administration if a student has multiple devices checked out.  

How will we keep track of who has what?

Designated staff members will use Technology Support Services inventory system to track check outs and check ins of devices using a scanner.

How long will a student keep an individual Chromebook?

Due to the fact that all models will be similar and devices will be purchased at the district level, a student will be able to keep the device for it’s useful life while attending an IRSD school. The projected life cycle of a student device is 5 years. After a device’s useful life has ended, students will be issued a new device.

Will the devices have content filtering to remove inappropriate content?

Yes, beginning in the Summer of 2021, IRSD will participate in a state-funded software package known as “Go Guardian” to provide content filtering. While IRSD will provide content filtering, no solution is perfect, and the device agreement will reflect the reality that guardians are ultimately responsible for monitoring a student’s device use at home. 

What about internet access at home?

IRSD distributed approximately 1000 hotspots as part of the “Connect Delaware” program in 2020 and 2021. These devices will deactivate in December of 2021 and IRSD has not budgeted for replacement at this time. While this program may end, there are still many internet service offers for low income families available. Any offers for free or reduced internet plans will be posted at and will IRSD distribute new offers via mail or press as appropriate. 

What if a student or family does not want a device at home?

A device can be provided during the school day using the “check out” system described previously. 

Will students need to bring devices back to the home school at the end of the year?

If the student is transferring to another district, graduating or otherwise moving outside the IRSD school system, they will need to return the device, or receive a bill. Instructions will be sent via individual schools regarding returns over the summer.

How will young students log in (K-1)?

Depending on the skill level of the students, instructors can opt to print and use QR code “badges” for login.