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Health Requirements for School Entry

According to Delaware laws and the Department of Education regulations, all children entering Delaware public schools are required to have written documentation of the following:

_____ 5 or more doses of DtaP, DTP, or Td vaccine (unless 4th dose was given after the 4th birthday)
_____ 4 doses of IVP or OPV (unless 3rd dose was given after the 4th Birday)
_____ 2 doses of MMR vaccine administered after the age of 12 months
_____ 3 doses hepatitis B vaccine
_____ 2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) vaccine or written documentation of the disease    
_____  Physical Examination done within the past 2 years
_____ Tuberculosis - results of Mantoux screening completed within the last 12 months or written documentation from a physician or public health clinic stating that the child has a low risk factor
_____ 9th grade entry DtaP booster
_____ 9th grade entry one dose Meningococcal vaccine
_____ 9th grade Physical Examination done within the past 2 years