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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

CTE in Delaware

"Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs allow Delaware students the chance to earn early college credits, industry-recognized credentials and work experience while still in high school. To earn a living wage in today’s economy, all students must pursue education beyond high school. This education can include a two-year or four-year college degree, certification program, apprenticeship, formal job training or military service. The type of education students choose depends on each student’s unique interests and skills.

Delaware is a leader in CTE and uniquely positioned to be a model for the nation."

- Source: Delaware Department of Education Website

CTE in the Indian River School District

From healthcare and engineering to agricultural science and digital media, there's a path for every student's passion. This page offers details about each of our CTE programs, including where they're offered and various pathway connections. Students are able to see how these programs can jumpstart their college plans, or lead directly into careers. They'll also learn about Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) which allow students to put their skills to the test at regional, national, or international competitions while developing valuable leadership abilities.

We invite students & families to explore the options, find what sparks their interest, and start building their future today. Take a few moments to explore the Indian River School District's wide range of Career and Technical Education programs below.

CTE Programs Offered