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Emergency Rental Assistance

Tenants who need emergency assistance can contact the below nonprofit organizations for possible services. Click on organization name to visit its website.

Community Resources Center - 302-227-1340 
Catholic Charities - 302-655-9624 
First State Community Action Agency - 800-372-2240 
Salvation Army - 302-472-0731 
West End Neighborhood House - 302-658-4171 
Lutheran Community Services - 302-654-8886 
Delaware Volunteer Legal Services - 1-800-478-8680 

Documentation Needed:

  • Identification (Driver's License, State Identification Card)
  • Provide the Social Security numbers/cards for all the members in the household.
  • Proof of residency if the address on your driver's license is different from your home address. Utility bills are accepted.
  • Proof of income (pay stubs, income tax return).
  • All household bills (phone, utilities, car payment/insurance, etc.)
  • Verification of need (eviction notice, utility disconnect notice, etc.)