Special Education Ambassadors
Click on the links at left to view photos of the Indian River School District's Special Education Ambassadors from each year.
Taylor Adkins, Georgetown Elementary School
Tyler Bare, Selbyville Middle School
Dara Callaway, East Millsboro Elementary School
Valarie Carter, North Georgetown Elementary School
Conor Casey, Millsboro Middle School
Abbigail Crown, Long Neck Elementary School
Lindsay Hudson-Hubbs, Georgetown Middle School
Heather McCabe, Phillip C. Showell Elementary
Lisa McNeil, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Brian Parker, Sussex Central High School
Briana Shuman, Howard T. Ennis School
Helen Timmons, Indian River High School
Amanda Venezia, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Kelley Vickers, IRSD Early Learning Center
Holden Wingate, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Amanda and Brett Morris, Community Ambassadors
Amy Andress, East Millsboro Elementary School
Amanda Lingo, IRSD Early Learning Center
Neil Stong, Georgetown Elementary School
Lenny Brittingham, Georgetown Middle School
Briana Shuman, Howard T. Ennis School
Lori Ann Sentman, Indian River High School
Jaclyn Johnson, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Meiasha Harris, Long Neck Elementary School
Kristie Van Zee, Lord Baltimore Elementary School.
Conor Casey, Millsboro Middle School
Carol Oxbrough, North Georgetown Elementary School
Krystal Bush, Phillip C. Showell Elementary School
Nicole Cope, Selbyville Middle School
Stephanie Fair, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Jackie Johnson, Sussex Central High School
Cheryl Carey, Community Ambassador
Molly Abbott, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Lynn Baker, Long Neck Elementary School
Daren Criswell, Indian River High School
Jillian Dzurnak, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Corinne Elliott, Howard T. Ennis School
Patricia Emmett, Selbyville Middle School
Richard Franco, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Justine Hartshorne, IRSD Early Learning Center
Dan Jones, Georgetown Elementary School
Joshua Lee, Millsboro Middle School
Amy Mooney, Sussex Central High School
Kevin Reid, Phillip C. Showell Elementary School
Mark Throm, Georgetown Middle School
Chelsey Wharton, North Georgetown Elementary School
Jessica Yanez, East Millsboro Elementary School
Jaclyn Layton, IRSD Early Learning Center
Elizabeth Helm , East Millsboro Elementary School
Richard Messick, Georgetown Elementary School
Kim LeKites, Georgetown Middle School
Desiree Budesheim, Howard T. Ennis School
Julene Williamson, Indian River High School
Jan Bomhardt, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Lori Hansen, Long Neck Elementary School
Melissa Timmons, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Kim Cooper, Millsboro Middle School
Gemma Cabrera, North Georgetown Elementary School
Maria Obando, Phillip C. Showell Elementary School
Kevin Wolgemuth, Selbyville Middle School
Heather Gardoski, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Lester Bivens, Sussex Central High School
Chef Charles Webb, Community Ambassador
Tara Thoroughgood, East Millsboro Elementary School
Sara Colmorgen, Georgetown Elementary School
Cathy Henderson, Georgetown Kindergarten Center
Paige Robinson, Georgetown Middle School
Ann Breneman, G.W. Carver Academy
Keri Justice, Howard T. Ennis School
Todd Furhmann, Indian River High School
Lindsay Smith, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Amber Porter, Long Neck Elementary School
Jessica Behrens, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Josh Lee, Millsboro Middle School
Samantha Ewing, North Georgetown Elementary School
Marie Karitis-Smith, Philip C. Showell Elementary School
Patricia Jennings, Selbyville Middle School
Danielle Squillante, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Danna Palmer, Sussex Central High School
Robert Finley, Community Ambassador
John Donato, Honorary Ambassador
Audra Mitchell, East Millsboro Elementary School
Margot Newbold, G.W. Carver Academy
Sarah Johnston, Georgetown Elementary School
Melissa McNamara, Georgetown Kindergarten Center
Stacey Pavlik, Georgetown Middle School
Cafeteria Workers, Howard T. Ennis School
Wanda Burke, Howard T. Ennis School
Stacey Holladay, Indian River High School
Allison Bennett, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Lauren Kirk, Long Neck Elementary School
Jennah Truitt, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Zach Murphy, Millsboro Middle School
Britney Lloyd, North Georgetown Elementary School
Melissa Grunewald, Phillip C. Showell Elementary School
Alyssa Mahon, Selbyville Middle School
Frank Shockley Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Derrick Layfield, Sussex Central High School
Ann Marie Dalton, Community Ambassador
Megan Easter, Honorary Ambassador
Sharon Lawrence, East Millsboro Elementary School
Sue Shultie, G.W. Carver Academy
Sara Heinicke, Georgetown Elementary School
Colleen Barrett, Georgetown Kindergarten Center
George Schwendtner, Georgetown Middle School
Helen Morrow, Howard T. Ennis School
Sally Benner, Indian River High School
Christina Holmes, John M. Clayton Elementary School
Kasey Abbott, Long Neck Elementary School
Linda Brown, Lord Baltimore Elementary School
Mary O'Neill, Millsboro Middle School
Joanna Hudson, North Georgetown Elementary School
Christine Morrison, Phillip C. Showell Elementary School
Jesse Steele, Selbyville Middle School
Marjorie Adkins, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Melissa Glaeser, Sussex Central High School
Phil Shultie, Honorary Ambassador